“just a mom”

I’m going to be honest. We’re all moms here and I feel like I can say everything I’m about to say and on some level, I think you will relate.

To be honest, when I was younger, I didn’t even know if I wanted to be a mom. It makes me sad to even type those words but I’m just going to be very honest with the things I used to believe. I truly believed that I needed to climb a career ladder, prove myself to all of these people, and work work work would always come first. (DISCLAIMER: Don’t mishear me- I’m not saying moms can’t excel in a career and do amazing things- I’m simply saying I was discouraged by society in this way from pursuing both)

I would get on social media and see the countless memes about “needing wine to get through the day” or “ just wait” or “you’ll never sleep again” and everything I EVER saw just made motherhood seem straight up UNAPPEALING. Today? I think it’s even WORSE. I think mainstream media and cultural norms work VERY hard to make motherhood seem like the LESSER thing for a woman to do. I think the message is pushed that you always have to be “more than just a mom”.

Let’s look at one of the most influential influencers in America- Ballerina Farm. I’m sure you’ve seen the internet drama surrounded her recent interview. I honestly don’t even want to link it because the writer clearly did EVERYTHING in her power to make Hannah’s life as a loving wife and mother of 8 to seem like the absolute WORST. Just like the rest of our mainstream culture, the author painted the picture of dreams “given up” and toddlers constantly interrupting alongside her husband. I admit that I’m a true fan of hers…so in my opinion, this article was very sad. As much as this article bothered me, I began to think about HOW MANY TIMES I’ve heard similar things.
”Wow your hands are full.”
”You know the trick to not having any more kids, right?”
”Do you EVER sleep?”
”You can do XYZ to be MORE thant “JUST A MOM” “

Whether famous influencers with 9 million followers or your average girl next door (like me), on some level, all moms are constantly under fire for simply loving motherhood.

Hannah recently responded with so much grace by sharing her story in her words.

“Henry was born in Brooklyn, NY in May of 2012. He was one week old when I carried him in my arms across the stage in cap and gown to accept my diploma. I would go down in school history as the first undergraduate ballerina to be a mother.   He wasn’t an accident. We were ready. Motherhood was my new dream.  God was guiding me, as He always had. “

MOTHERHOOD WAS MY NEW DREAM. This is the sentence that sticks out to me because I think it’s the case for so many of us. I think as moms, it’s our job to rewrite the current narrative. I believe that motherhood is truly one of the greatest blessings on this Earth. If being “just a mom” is all I ever have attached to my name- I’m beyond fine with it. I’ve been told “I’m old school”. I’ve been told I’m “traditional” and I’ve been told SO MANY NEGATIVE THINGS.

But, I love my role as a mother. I love my babies. I love the laughter. I love watching them grow. I love seeing them learn and try new things. I love being the one they run to when they need comfort. I love watching them come up with hundreds of ways to stall bed time. I love EVERY. SINGLE. BIT. OF. IT. It baffles me how hard core the current culture/ narrative tries to rip apart the picture of us being happy.

OF COURSE there are tough days. OF COURSE there are challenges. OF COURSE I’m tired. OF COURSE I don’t have it all figured out. OF COURSE we have made sacrifices. But there are so many AMAZING things to focus on and I won’t allow society to change my course of thinking or hinder my passion for motherhood.

To the mamas reading here who have faced some sort of criticism or discouragement in motherhood in regards to changing your path, let me tell you. MOTHERHOOD CAN BE YOUR NEW DREAM. You can leave everything else behind if that’s what makes you happy. Whether you work out of the house, in the house, SAHM, YOU are the BEST mama for your baby/babies. YOU were hand picked for this job. YOU are not “less than” for wanting to start a family. You are actually the ENTIRE WORLD to your little family- and honestly- I hope this encourages you to never listen to the discouraging comments ever again. I hope it lights your fire to fiercely continue on in sharing the legacy and blessing that IS being a mother.

Let’s reverse this narrative and help the younger generations see that being a mother IS actually an amazing dream in and of itself.

— Just a Mom


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