Delicious DIY Hot Chocolate Mix for cozy nights

I know that this may not be how everyone feels, but sometimes I find myself getting so frustrated with ingredients in food items at the store. It’s like everything has to have 1,000 extra added artificial things or dyes and I just don’t like that! The more that comes out about artificial ingredients, the more I don’t like trying to do things like hot chocolate night! I go to the store, start reading the cans and mixes and I just think… “ew.” haha and I put it back.

WELLLLL… I finally attempted making my own and not only is it super cost effective, it’s DELICIOUS. It’s smooth and creamy and packed with the EXACT flavor I want out of hot chocolate.

This makes about 8-10 servings.

2 cups confectioners' sugar
1 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
2 cups powdered milk or instant nonfat dry milk

You can sift the mixture together and mix 1/2 cup of the dry mix with 1/2 cup hot milk or water and it comes out PERFECT! you could even do 1 cup of hot liquid if you prefer it less sweet.

The bonus to this recipe is that you can also layer ingredients in jars to give as gifts and top with mini marshmallows or chocolate chips!



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