This 3-hour class will cover labor and delivery, postpartum and childbirth in the first half and breastfeeding and newborn care in the second half.
Labor & Delivery, Postpartum and Childbirth
This class will provide a high level overview of the labor and delivery experience and will cover what new moms and parents need to know before, during, and after delivery.
Topics include:
Benefits of childbirth education
Understanding the process of labor
Role of the labor support person
Discomforts & changes of pregnancy
Warning signs that need attention
Identifying signs of labor
Pain management
Various types of delivery
Postpartum changes and care
Breastfeeding & Newborn Care
This class will cover a variety of information new moms and parents need to know on how to breastfeed and care for their newborn.
A few topics they can expect to learn more about include:
The benefits of breastfeeding for both mom and baby
Anatomy and physiology of breastfeeding
Skin to skin contact
Types of milk during the breastfeeding process
Positioning and various holds
Latching and unlatching
Guidelines and tips for frequency and duration of feedings
Storage of breastmilk
Breastfeeding concerns
Nutritional requirements for mom
Info for during your hospital stay
Caring for baby (sleep, swaddling, diapering, bathing, car seat safety and more)