Bring your child to TrainTastic for Tykes & Trains, an early childhood education program held every 2nd Tuesday of the month for kids 4 years old and younger and their caregivers.
Each class is an hour filled with engaging, interactive activities and educational fun centered around early learning skills and their potential impact on your child's academic success. We will also equip caregivers with the tools to continue these lessons at home.
Event Details:
2nd Tuesday of the Month
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Age Group: Children 4 & Under*
Cost: $10 for child and their caregiver (additional children, up to four, $5 each) *Children must be accompanied by a caregiver.
Register at (228) 284-5731 or email You can also register in person at 615 Pass Road in Gulfport!
Tykes & Trains 2025 Class Dates:
-January 14
-February 11
-March 11
-April 8
-May 13
** Paused June-August **
-September 9
-October 14
-December 9
Learn more at!