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WINGS Performing Arts presents SIX. The Musical: Teen Edition

A modern retelling of the lives of Henry VIII’s six wives: Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Anna of Cleves, Katherine Howard, and Catherine Parr. They have come together as a band to stage a pop concert and invite the audience to hear their stories. They cannot decide who should be the lead singer, so they initiate a competition, or singing battle, to see who suffered the most as Queen. Each wife believes they had it toughest and they belittle each other’s attempts to prove their hardship.

However, they become frustrated that their place in history is defined by one man. Together, they decide to pick up the pen and the microphone, and re-write their own stories. They are more than a rhyme, more than a wife, and much more than one King could handle.

This Teen Edition version of the show is suitable for ages 10 and up. Tickets -$18 Adult

$15 Students, military, senior. Tickets limited. Please order online , or by

calling 228-897-6039.

June 8

Spot Therapy : Gulf Coast Disability Celebration

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