Karen abernathy
If you are from the Mississippi Gulf Coast, then chances are that you’ve heard the name Karen Abernathy! Not only is she the recently retired and well-loved WLOX- TV news anchor of 40 years, she is also a rockstar Gulf Coast Mom! Thank you for the chance to feature you, Karen! Take it away! ⬇️
Hi! I’m Karen Abernathy. I’m so honored to be featured as a “gulf coast mom”! Many of you may know me from WLOX-TV. I recently retired after 40 plus years as a news anchor.
I had a rewarding career, and I loved sharing the news with South Mississippi. My job was a huge part of my life, and I’m happy to say I enjoyed it immensely.
I also sing with the Coast Big Band and have starred in numerous community theatre productions on the coast; most recently playing a dream role of Donna in Mamma Mia!
In addition to my love for music, I’m a huge animal lover and rescue gal who has been picking up stray animals and helping them out for as long as I can remember. I currently have two mixed terrier rescues that warm my heart each and every day.
But my greatest passion in life is my family, and my proudest achievement has been raising my two sons and watching them grow and become successful and caring young men.
My oldest, Bailey, is a civil engineer who has shared his building expertise on projects in Dallas, San Antonio, Birmingham, and right here in Mississippi. My youngest, Henderson, went into the television news business, and is a managing producer at ABC’s Good Morning America. Needless to say, they mean the world to me, and I love the relationship we share as adults. It’s spectacular!
Was it easy being a working mom? No. Did I miss moments I wish I hadn’t because of work? Yes. Would I like to go back and change things? Of course!
Life isn’t perfect and parenthood isn’t easy. But I’d like to think that being there and loving your children is perfect enough. And hopefully the lessons we teach and the love that we share, inspire our children to find their own paths to happiness and success.
When asked to share one piece of advice to all the mamas out there, this is what she said:
My advice to moms, whether you’re a working or stay at home mom, is don’t sweat the small stuff. I know that’s easier said than done! But enjoy whatever special time you can carve out for your kids and live in the moment as much as possible.
Soak it all up!
Treasure the fun and put away your “to do” list. Time passes way too quickly, and before you know it your children will be grown, and you’ll be left wondering where all the time went, and wishing you could relive those moments.
Thank you for the chance to feature you, Heather! Scroll through all of our mom features HERE!