You are the best parent for your child.(Don’t believe everything you read on the Internet)
I like to scroll social media for parenting quotes, advice, anecdotes, and the like. Some are helpful, and some…well, not so much.
Sometimes I think in trying to encourage parents, social media misses the mark. There are these Insta-worthy immaculate homes (mine certainly doesn’t live up to that). Parents and children are in perfectly coordinated outfits. And don’t forget the “perfect” day, staycation, or vacation where everyone is happy, content, and no one forgets anything or gets tired and cranky.
Also, have you SEEN the Bento box lunches? My child eitherorders a cafeteria tray or I do pack a decent lunch that usually includes a sandwich, piece of fruit,chips, and a sweet treat. Now, hear me out. I am NOT shaming any mom who packs the latest hummus/edamame combo with organic fruit and gluten free brownies. I am always appreciative of any ideas I can get!
Then there are always the more “touchy” subjects.
Breast or bottle feed?
Work outside the home or stay at home?
And that is the whole point of this post.
We are all experts in our field….we are all meant to mother the children we have.
My husband and I have three amazing children. Actually, we have one child and two young
adults. Our 22 year old son just got married and our 19 year old daughter is in vet tech school. Our youngest is six years old. I had him when I was 43 and he doesn’t keep me young (why do people assume that?), but I like to say that he keeps me going. He has started to ask lots of questions about the circumstances surrounding his birth.
“Mom, did you always want three children?”
“Mom, are you so glad you had me?”
Yes and yes are my answers.
But sometimes I wonder if I’m cut out to raise another great person. I’m older than I was the first time around. Sometimes I don’t feel as patient. I get tired more easily. But to counter all these challenges, I am wiser. I am more experienced. And I know from experience that childhood is fleeting, so we must enjoy all the things and not take anything for granted. I am learning that the laundry room door can be shut to hide the mess.
I am learning that my being a working mom is not going to hurt my child (I know you stay at home moms are rocking it and I applaud you). I am learning that the drive through is an option for dinner when life is busy. I am learning that playing in the sand and skipping rocks are as memorable as the fancy vacation someone else’s family just took. Social media can be a positive outlet for parenting advice and ideas. Remember, though, that you are not in competition with anyone.
You are the best mother for your children. So am I. And I am learning that motherhood is not a race. It is a journey that we are all taking together.