Chelsey clifford
We are so excited to introduce you to Chelsey Cilfford as our Mom Feature Friday! You make recognize her from the labor + delivery ward at Ocean Springs Hospital! She has taken care of so many of our newborns here on the Coast. Learn more about Chelsey here ⬇️ ⬇️
“My husband, Tommy, and I have been married for almost 3 years. We’ve been together since 2014, though! We had our son, Bowen, in October last year. He is our pride and joy!
I am a Registered Nurse and I work in the newborn nursery at Ocean Springs Hospital, and I’ve been there for 4 years now. My job starts the moment a baby is born and I care for them their entire stay. It’s truly my my passion to help mommas navigate caring for their new baby, as well as helping them navigate all of the bumps along the way during the first few days.
On my off days, I’m home with my sweet baby!
I was born here in Ocean Springs and have lived here ever since! This is my home! Both my husband’s parents and my family live here, so we plan to stay here for a while. We love to walk along Front Beach to watch sunsets, and I can’t wait for our son to be old enough to splash in the waves!
What is one piece of advice you'd like to share with the moms out there?
What I’ve learned in the last year of being a mother, is that this will only be for a little while. The sleepless nights, the newborn stage, it will all pass so quickly. While it’s SO HARD at the time, next think you know it’s over! Enjoy every little minute.
Chelsey, thank you for the chance to feature you! We so appreciate all of your love for our newborns and mamas across the Coast!
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