sabrina cullen
We are so excited to introduce you to Sabrina Cullen as our Mom Feature Friday! Sabrina recently joined our team and if you work with us on the business side, then chances are, you’ve talked with her! She is not only an INCREDIBLE mama to four and an amazing wife, she is also The Gulf Coast Mom’s Executive Assistant! Meet Sabrina here! ⬇️ ⬇️
“Hi everyone! My name is Sabrina and I’ve been married to my husband, Neil, for 9 years. We have 4 kids, Andrew, Declan and the twins, Bellamy & Killian. I definitely never thought that I would be a twin mom, but I couldn’t imagine our family without them!
I have been the owner of Sweetpea Virtual Assisting for 5 years now. I actually started my business 1 month before Declan was due after realizing I did not love the Network Marketing business I’d been building.
My business combines my love of organization, designing pretty things and being home with my kids. I work during their nap times and after they’ve gone to bed, so I don’t miss any big moments. I recently just started a mom blog to share thoughts on motherhood, yummy recipes and my love of books!
Fun fact: I am a virtual assistant and I’ve actually never been to the Gulf Coast! I’m on the West Coast in California, but I’m so glad that I got to connect with Jen and Erin and help them with their business!
What is one piece of advice you'd like to share with the moms out there?
Embrace the chaos because it will probably never go away. But find your peace in that chaos in the form of some kind of self-care. That could be working out, getting a facial, getting a massage, daily meditation or in my case reading on my Kindle daily! Because motherhood is hard and it’s never going to not be hard. But if you can find some kind of peace that’s yours in the midst of that hard, it’s just a little bit easier.
Sabrina, we love you and are so thankful to be working alongside you!
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