Lu Jenkins
We are so excited to introduce you to Lu Jenkins as our Mom Feature Friday! This amazing mama goes by a handful of names, and if you know her by any/all of them, consider yourself blessed! Take it away, Lu! ⬇️ ⬇️
God gifted me with a beautiful family. I am proudly married to the best selling author of "Joy Driven", Dr. Cameron W. Jenkins. We are the parents of two loving toddlers, Cali Rae and Cason.
I am a registered nurse and licensed social worker. In just a few short months, I will be celebrating 5 years in my nursing career. Currently, I am a staff nurse for the Biloxi Veterans Health Administration. I have experience in med/surg, ortho/neuro, mental health, long term care, and hospice. Nursing is my God given talent and passion. I am blessed with a rewarding career that is fulfilling and brings me joy.
Living on the Gulf Coast has brought my family much joy. I am a committed leader of our community. For the past 7 years, I've had the honor and privilege to serve as a Co-pastor for Opportunity Church. Being a servant of Jesus Christ is my true calling and priority. I enjoy serving all people through hope and love.
When we asked Lu for a piece of advice to share with ya’ll, here is what she said:
The greatest advice I could give to moms everywhere is to give yourself grace. As mothers we wear many hats but we absolutely can not be nuturing and serve from an empty bucket. We must find the time to refill our buckets. Whatever brings you joy and makes your heart sing commit to enjoying them weekly. In my line of work, I have met people who appeared to be healthy one day and died the very same day. I often wonder did they give themselves grace and enjoy the things all around them?
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