Patience Wolfe
We are so excited to introduce you to Patience Wolfe as our Mom Feature Friday! You may know this mama by another name (“TrailerParkPretti”) but do you know the story behind that nickname? We wanted Patience to be able to share her story directly with you!
Take it away, Patience! ⬇️
“Hi! My name is Patience Wolfe, or as some of you know me, ‘TrailerParkPretti’. I am a wife, mom to three kids — 1 biological daughter (7), 1 adopted daughter (6), and a son with autism (8). They take up majority of my time, but I do work from home primarily as a content creator so that I can be with them.
I spend my days vlogging and editing content for myself. I also do a lot of marketing for other brands. I work with a local boutique where I have a clothing collection “The Patience Collection” at the Willow Tree boutique in Vancleave. If I’m not emailing or on the phone, I’m by the water somewhere, outdoors soaking up the sun, or hanging with my kitty.
In 2020 I left a marriage and became a single mother. When I left I had a 14 Toyota Camry and a few bags of my kids clothes. I had no money saved and no way to afford an apartment. We ended up moving into a trailer that was given to me by my mother. It was a 2 bedroom 1 bath located in a trailer park and it was in pretty bad shape. This is where the name “Trailerparkpretti” came from. It was just me and my two kids until I met my husband, Johnny, and adopted Lexi.
I eventually became a stay at home mom due to financial reasons and needed something to keep me busy. So I started posting on TikTok. Quickly I realized there weren’t many people on the app who lived like I did. My whole FYP (TikTok: For You Page) was full of fancy people and fancy things. I knew there had to be other people out there who felt the way I did. I was searching for someone relatable and couldn’t find them… So, I decided to be that person.
I’ve spent the last 4 years building a community where people could come and feel accepted. A place where people could find motivation and inspiration to be better, but also feel like where they are right now in life is enough too.
Now here we are, three trailers later, almost 800k followers across all platforms and I am THANKFUL. I will continue to use my voice and stand up for the ones who are always looked down on, and I will continue to preach about trailer living and how it has tremendously saved me and my family.”
“My advice for mamas is to Be KIND to yourself! Motherhood is a constant learning process. None of us are perfect!”
You can find her online HERE: TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram!
Thank you for the chance to feature you, Patience! Scroll through all of our mom features HERE!