Temprance Williams-Bell
We are so excited to introduce you to Tempreance Williams-Bell as our Mom Feature Friday! Thanks for the opportunity to feature you, Temprance! We wanted this mama to be able to share her story directly with you!
Take it away, Temprance ⬇️
“I'm Temprance! As a proud mom and spouse of a veteran, I've experienced the trials of deployments and adapted to the dynamic military lifestyle. Fueled by our shared resilience, I took the leap and started my own hair, skin, and self-care brand. Beyond work, I love gardening, quality time with family, reading, meditation, travel, and helping others.
As a mother of 4 (1 in college, 2 in middle school, and 1 in elementary), my family is my world and inspiration. My Natural Butter is my personal hair, skin, and self-care brand offering natural, safe, and effective products, including hair oils, body butters, and other self-care treats. (www.lovemnb.com)
I accidentally became an entrepreneur when my kids struggled with sensitive skin and dry hair. Believe it or not, I once rocked a massive afro that needed serious moisturizing! With my decades of hair and salon experience, Bachelor's in Science, and recent certification in Cosmetic Formulations and Science, I turned my passion into My Natural Butter.
Although I've been crafting products since 2015, I officially launched the brand in 2021, and this year, I received my certification! Yay for leveling up! Did I mention some ingredients come from my own organic garden? Yes, I'm a proud plant mom too!”
When asked to share one piece of advice to all the mamas out there, this is what she said:
“Prioritize self-care and balance nurturing your family with pursuing your passions. Remember, a happy and fulfilled mother can create a loving and thriving home.”
You can find her online HERE: Facebook
Thank you for the chance to feature you, Temprance! Scroll through all of our mom features HERE!